We are The Human Reliability Company.
We facilitate safety in high-risk operations with customized planning, training, methodologies, and tools that emphasize deliberate practice, personal accountability, and professionalism.
We make it possible for everyone in the organization to live up to our brand promise: My true best, every time, in full compliance.™
Hear more about Convergent Performance from our amazing team.

Our Vision:
One in which, everyone has access to the information and tools they need to perform at their true best, in both their personal and professional lives.
About Convergent Performance
Convergent Performance was founded to optimize the performance of every individual in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. We are passionate about this goal, and our founders have spent over three decades pursuing science-based solutions for human error and lost potential. In a word, we believe in personal mastery.
In a world that has gone all-in on system solutions and technology, we remain steadfast in our belief that people still are the critical fulcrum of success or failure. We do not believe that the human is the weakest link in any system, and in fact are more convinced than ever that the amazing adaptability of the trained human mind remains unmatched—and unmatchable—in solving problems and seizing new opportunities. That is what we do.
We focus on engagement, because we understand that the rapid evolution of social media and passive mindsets has led to the atrophy of our ability to think critically, and more important, the motivation to improve our thinking process. We are dedicated to reversing this trend of intellectual laziness.
We want to create a future in which everyone has access to the information and tools they need to perform at their true best, in both their personal and professional lives.
These values drive us forward:
Restoring Accountability
Restoring personal accountability in the age of big technology, big data, and big systems.
Empowering Individuals
Empowering individuals to grow where they are, with the resources at hand.
The Pursuit of Mastery
Motivating the personal pursuit of mastery.