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A Message from Convergent Performance
Convergent Performance now offers a wide variety of professional services to include safety training, consulting, eLearning, and deep culture-shaping programs well beyond the safety realm, with new content and professional development options (live and virtual) for employee engagement, cultural improvement, leadership, professional ethics, customer service, sales professionals, and quality programs. In truth, our proprietary content that focuses on developing the fullest potential of every individual, has always been ideal for filling gaps in traditional training programs in these areas.
We are The Human Reliability Company
What does that mean? When someone is reliable, you know you can count on them. Our programs are a resource to develop consistent, reliable performance—and then improvement to reach your true best. We focus on how individuals can improve with the resources at hand, whether you want to improve personal performance, team effectiveness, or transform an entire organizational culture, we have the right solution for you.

Optimize Performance
What you do matters. We can help you do it better, both personally and professionally, with life skills that you bring to the job, and job skills that improve the whole organization.

Reduce Human Error
No one wakes up in the morning wanting to make mistakes. When you come to know your own error patterns, you reduce the mistakes you make, saving time, money, and even lives.

Transform Culture
Organizational culture is built from the ground up and the middle out, and we transform it by combining our focus on individuals with robust organization-wide culture improvement efforts.

Revitalize Training
Most training feels like it was designed in the early 20th century. You won’t find any of that here, as our programs combine the latest research with modern training methods and technology.
Performance Training Solutions for High-Risk Organizations
Whether you’re looking for a performance training solution for yourself, your team, or something to elevate your entire organization, our programs all start with the one thing every industry, every company, and every team has in common—you, a human being, who is doing good (or even great), but could always be doing better.

Custom Programs
No one knows your situation better than you do—which is why your input is invaluable. But no one knows human error, human reliability, just culture, and personal and professional improvement like we do.

For many companies, eLearning is the most cost-effective, time-efficient, and high-value method of training. We provide targeted courseware for individuals, your team, or your entire organization.

Micro Learning
New single-objective videos are available on the most important elements of safety, human error avoidance, professionalism, risk management, flight discipline, fatigue management, and much more.
Some of our most popular programs:
Interested in checking out the rest of our training programs?
We've developed dozens of programs to fit your industry-specific needs.
Not sure what’s best for your team?
We’re here to help! Reach out to us today to discuss which training solutions will take you and/or your organization’s performance and reliability to the next level.