Program Overview
Topics Covered
Introduction to Automation Airmanship
The 9 Principles of Automation Airmanship
Sustaining a High-Level of Airmanship in the 21st Century
Online Training
Live Webinar
Custom Program
What is Automation Airmanship?
Automation Airmanship is defined as “The understanding and application of automation to airmanship, to ensure balanced situational and mode awareness and crew workload through the full realm of automation use, from “manual flight” to “fully coupled,” in order to provide for the safest and most efficient flight.” The concept of Automation Airmanship was developed by Convergent Performance personnel, pilots Christopher J. Lutat and S. Ryan Swah over several years of research inside and out of the cockpit. Their research resulted in two things. The first is a book, Automation Airmanship: Nine Principles for Operating Glass Cockpit Aircraft.
The second product of their research is this Automation Airmanship program for flight departments who want to quickly get all pilots up to speed on how to operate modern aircraft fleets. The program includes the most tightly focused important information from the book, plus interactive and live elements, depending on method of delivery.
Nine Principles to Master Your Aircraft’s Automation
This course begins with the fundamentals of airmanship and how they must change and evolve to accommodate for all of the new technology of glass cockpits. Then we move to discussing each of the nine principles in detail:
Briefing and Debriefing
Data Entry
Situational and Mode Awareness
Workload Management
Positive Flight Path Control
Logic Knowledge
Learn how to appropriately integrate aircraft automation knowledge into the rest of your duties through all phases of flight, from setup to communication and monitoring during the flight. The course finishes with a lesson on human/machine interface by developing deep knowledge of automation logic.
The best experts in modern aircraft demonstrate their “index of expertise” every time they fly. After completing this course, pilots will possess their own yardstick to measure and improve their automation performance. So, if you are ready to unlock your highest level of excellence, check out our consulting and training to help you shift your Airmanship into high gear.
Find out what Automation Airmanship is all about by watching this short video: