The Science and Art of Monitoring

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the seemingly simplest flight deck duties are in fact the hardest to grasp, remaining elusive for decades in spite of the intense analysis that our industry constantly undergoes. Even the most up-to-the-minute aviation safety news of our time will report that poor monitoring weighed heavily in findings of “pilot …

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The Facts about Contemporary Aviation

Sometimes it seems as if business and industry rush into the future-world with so much energy and eagerness that those who we rely on to keep watch over high-risk/high-reliability endeavors are barely managing to keep abreast of developments. For those of us in aviation, the entities that provide this oversight function (primarily the FAA in …

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Contemporary Cockpits: No Place for Luggage or Dogs

If you’re like me, you’ve grown tired in recent months of mass media reports of automation creating a generation of pilots who don’t know how to operate without it, and when forced to, come up short in performing the job of flying the airplane. Don’t get me wrong, what we believe to be the most …

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It’s Not Just the Airplane and the Operator…

There’s never been more focus on cockpit automation and those who rely on it than there has been over the past couple of years. At Convergent Performance we have the privilege to work with organizations and crews from diverse backgrounds, and all of them operating fleets whose special applications and missions are equally diverse. From …

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A Smooth Hand-Off

There are many models we could use in this short piece to describe the importance of a smooth transition from one mode of aircraft control to another – namely, the transition between manual flight (that characterized by no support from the autopilot, autothrottles or both) and coupled flight (that in which physical control of the …

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UAs, GAs, and Automation (Part 3 of 3): “Keep Calm and Go Around”

This is the last installment of our discussion of unstable approaches (UAs) and go-arounds (GAs): the part that we think might have the most impact on our industry if it could be adopted across every operation, in some form (if you haven’t read the previous two posts, it might be a good idea to do …

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UAs, GAs, and Automation (Part 2 of 3): “Placing the Bet”

Last time we introduced some facts about UAs and GAs and asked you to consider how you and your organization face this chronic safety issue, and how the use of automation can contribute to safer approaches and successful go-arounds from an Unstable Approach. For review, here are the numbers from the Flight Safety Foundation’s February …

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UAs, GAs, and Automation (Part 1 of 3): “Why Can’t We All Just Go-Around?”

There have been many headlines in the past few months surrounding the unfortunate outcomes of Unstable Approaches and Go-Arounds that were initiated too late in the approach and landing phase of flight. Organizations all over the world have begun to harness the power of data collection tools like FOQA, ASAP, ASRS and other reporting systems …

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Are You “A Hundred Percent In the Loop,” or “Just Along for the Ride?”

We are all, like every aviator since the dawn of powered flight, living in a technologically exciting time. Some might even call it, “unprecedented.” The wide array of technology that combines to make up contemporary aviation were, just a few years ago, in the earliest stages of development; and no one was sure of the …

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